Recent Acts of Terrorism

Madrasah Mabadi Ul Uloom:The Cartoon Caliphate:
Now I have written a lot regarding the ISIS crisis from the time they have emerged. Although they claim, through propaganda, to be those who have ushered in the Renaissance of the Caliphate upon the methodology of the Prophet Muhammad their claim is essentially empty. 
Why do I say so? In their application of Islamic law, which is based upon the Qur’an and the Prophetic guidance, they have insisted upon bypassing that which is within the Qur’an and the Prophetic guidance. 
A clear example of this was when they burnt the Jordanian pilot in a cage. They did this criminal act even though there is a clear statement of the Prophet which says: “And verily the fire is not to be used for punishment except for Allah.” [Bukhari:3016] 
Another clear example is what occurred in St. Etienne today in a church where they killed an old man (85 years old) who was a priest by slitting his throat whilst shouting Allahu Akbar loudly!
To clarify the crisis that ISIS are in regarding this situation, they have contradicted Islamic legislation in the following ways:
1. They killed an old man when the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said to not kill old men. [Abu Dawuud: 4614]
2. The old man was a priest and it is prohibited to kill priests.
3. He was killed in his church which is also forbidden based on the statement of the Prophet: “And do not kill those who find their abode in monasteries.” 
4. Killing of an innocent man and the Qur’an has stated that taking an innocent life is like murdering the whole of mankind. [Qur’an 5:32]
5. Shouting Allahu Akbar loudly upon doing this crime. Again, this contradicts Islamic legislation as the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) himself told his companions, while they were saying the aforementioned loudly, that they are not calling upon someone who is deaf or absent. [Bukhari: 2992]
It is harrowing that out of this one incident they contravened Islamic legislation of five counts which I have mentioned (and there are more which I can mention). Hence, if it is that in St. Etienne they were able to blatantly disobey Allah and his Messenger with such boldness one can only imagine how many laws they have contravened in Syria and Iraq. 
Hence the title the Cartoon Caliphate. In an era where Donald Trump is a front runner for the Presidency of the United States of America it is of no surprise that some criminals, thugs, rogues, misfits, felons and rebels without a cause can group together and call themselves an Islamic Caliphate. 
We really live in an upside down world.

By Musa Millington